Byrd Alzheimer's Institute

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Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy involves the improvement of physical skills required in every day movement. The Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute provides occupational therapy services to older adults with mild cognitive impairment, various types of dementia and Parkinson's disease. Occupational therapy services are also available to individuals with deficits in physical function resulting from various diseases and disorders including stroke, heart attack, arthritis, cancer and others as referred by a physician.

Occupational Therapy Services include assessment and treatment for:

  • Self-Care Skills: Helping individuals learn how to compensate for some of their physical losses and learn how to use adaptive equipment.
  • Cognitive Skills Development: Helping individuals improve memory, attention, and processing speed that can impact their activities of daily living. Activities of daily living include basic self-care, home management and driving.
  • Therapeutic Exercise programs: Helping individuals improve their strength, range of motion, endurance and coordination in order to improve activities of daily living in all areas.
  • Falls Risk Screening: This screening using computerized balance assessment equipment, Biodex SD, along with functional mobility training and safety training to prevent falls in and out of the home. 

How do I schedule an Occupational Therapy (OT) Evaluation?

A referral from your physician or health practitioner is required to schedule an appointment. The prescription can come from a family physician, nurse practitioner, neurologist, psychiatrist, chiropractor or any other licensed physician.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call  (813) 396-0724.